Weekly Food Scrap Drop-off Service Now Available! Located at Broad Ripple Farmers Market.

Weekly Food Scrap Drop-off Service Now Available! Located at Broad Ripple Farmers Market.


Indy Go Green

Focused on the North and East sides of Marion County, Indy Go Green offers a curbside food scrap collection service. We service small businesses, too!

We also have a weekly drop-off option located at Broad Ripple Farmers Market. Interested in an at-home composting demo? We do that too! Indy Go Green is on a mission to educate the Indianapolis community on the existence of rampant food waste and the importance of recycling organic waste.


Club Compost

We collect and divert food scraps, and other organic waste, from residents, cafes, restaurants, and other commercial businesses to convert into nutrient-rich compost. Composting is the number one easiest and simplest action one can take to fight the effects of climate changes. Join the club today!



A zero waste, farm-to-table-to-farm food experience. Intimate farm-to-table dinners spotlighting small urban growers and central Indiana farms. Fortville, IN. COMING 2024.

Empowering people to work together for a more just environment & future.


Aud Solutions began, and remains, a project management consulting service available for small businesses with specific needs of assistance. With an internal focus on local environmental efforts, Aud Solutions LLC/Indy Go Green also offers composting services to Indianapolis residents and businesses.

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”

— Margaret Mead


Feel free to contact us with any project management or membership questions.

